Team Spotlight: James Merchant

When did you start at Koss Olinger? May 1st, 2023

What is your role at Koss Olinger? Service/New Business

Where did you grow up? Spokane, WA

Do you have pets? If yes, tell us about them. Yep, I have a 12-year-old terrier named Sadie.

What is something people would find surprising to learn about you? I dabble with art and enjoy tapping into my creative side – drawing, painting, or DIY projects around the house.

What do you consider to be your best quality? I am committed to personal growth and work on getting better each day.

If you could have dinner with one famous person from history, who would it be and why? The first person that comes to mind is Arnold Schwarzenegger – he’s lived an interesting life. He was successful with bodybuilding, acting, and politics, but I admire the work ethic and vision that led to his success.

What is the best advice you have ever received? Smile; Be grateful, stay humble; It’s easy to find new in the new. Challenge yourself to find new in the old; Build mental calluses for life.

What is your superpower? I have a passion for helping people.

What is your favorite food? Cold watermelon on a hot day.

What do you think is your biggest contribution to the Koss Olinger team? I bring a positive attitude to the office while creating valuable and exceptional experiences for our clients.