Team Spotlight: Casey Anderson
- When did you start at Koss Olinger? July 2021
- What is your role at Koss Olinger? Financial Services Specialist
- Where did you grow up? Japan / Hawaii / Virginia / Florida
- Do you have pets? If yes, tell us about them. I have a Butterfly Koi currently swimming at my parent’s house until I move to Gainesville in November.
- What is something people would find surprising to learn about you? I don’t get nervous at all when speaking in front of more than 100 people, but I get very nervous when fewer than 100 people are in front of me. The highest number of people I have spoken in front of in one room was 40,000 – 55,000 people at a place called Tokyo Dome.
- What do you consider to be your best quality? Being able to adapt to any environment or situation at any moment.
- If you could have dinner with one famous person from history, who would it be and why? A producer named Johnny – I would like to ask him a few questions I never had the courage to ask as a child when I first met him.
- What is the best advice you ever received? Eat your vegetables.
- What is your superpower? To avoid eating vegetables!
- What is your favorite food? Everything except vegetables.
- What do you think is your biggest contribution to the Koss Olinger team? I believe I have a unique background in which I have learned and obtained skills that can become an advantage to assist the Koss Olinger team and achieve long-term goals together.